
Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Vegan Product Review / Vegaani Tuote Arvostelu : Lenny & Larry's The Complete Cookie Choc-O-Mint Flavor

This Post Will be also in Finnish (at the end).

Lenny & Larry's The Complete Cookie

Starting off as a great day when I get to eat a cookie with my coffee and then write about it haha. I Love Lenny & Larry's tbh. Their cookies are excellent and they're packed with protein. It's still a bit of junk food, as all processed foods are in the end.

So far I have tasted their Double Chocolate, Snickerdoodle, Peanut Butter, Chocolate Chip and White Chocolate Macadamia nut.

 I found this flavor in Helsinki Finland, I have literally never seen it before so I had to get it (I also love chocolate & mint -stuff). 

Their cookies are completely vegan, non soy, non gmo and they have 10g of fiber, 16g of protein.

Nutrition facts in Finnish and English:

How it looks like before I start eating it.. (Sorry about the lovely kitchen background haha).

How it looks inside..

The first bite: Consistency is good. It's the same as in their other cookies. It's more chewy than crispy and its not gooey inside. Their cookie consistency remind me of protein bars. Or it reminds me of a dry cake, the kind your grandma makes. The mint flavor is faint, but recognisable. I think honestly it's my new Larry & Lenny's favorite flavor. The big cookie has 16g of protein so that is always a plus.

I think these cookies are best to eat while traveling or doing something active, I don't think they necessarily are the classic dessert cookies.

Overall Score;



Olen aikaisemminkin syönyt Lenny & Larry's yhtiön valmistamia keksejä (oikeastaan olen kokeillut melkein kaikki maut mitä olen USA:ssa nähnyt), joten tiesin mitä odottaa. Nämä keksit muistuttavat enemmänkin proteiinipatukkaa tai kuivakakkua, joten älä odota että kohtaat rasvaisen ihanan Subway -tyylisen jenkkikeksin paketin avattuasi. 

Proteiinin lähteenähän tätä mainostetaan ja ainakin USA:ssa näitä myydään kuntosaleilla ja apteekin tyylisissä kaupoissa. En tiedä miten tästä on hyötyä treenaamisen kanssa, mutta isossa keksissä on kuitenkin 16g proteiinia.

Choc-O-Mint maku on aika vieno, ei kovinkaan vahva toisin kuin jossain fazerin minttusuklaa konvehdeissa. Pidän kuitenkin tästä mausta koska minttu on maistettavissa. Kaiken kaikkiaan annan neljä viidestä, sillä tykkään tämän yhtiön kekseistä ja tämä taitaa olla nyt minun uus lemppari maku. 


Friday, 8 February 2019


 Oh man, I really miss the early fall. I am NOT a winter person at all. Can't stand it for the life of me. I am not a snow queen.. So here are some photographs I took that you and I can look at at and wish for the snow to melt!!

 I love how blue everything looks at this lake. I don't even remember the name of this place but it is one of the most common places I go when visiting family.

These photographs kind of bring me hope to re-think and re-evaluate my life. And I really hope I will not be so hopeless and unbalanced as I was in 2018.

I started meditating so I really hope I find help in that. My anxiety is sometimes having way too much control and I am not sure what I want from my life. Meanwhile I just keep drawing cats and talk about ghosts. Hahah!

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Me and the Tarot

If you are someone who is into tarot cards, do you ever get that feeling that in some days the deck calls to you? (Don't worry, I'm not insane.) But those of you who can relate, It's pretty interesting how divination works.. And my favorite divination tool is the tarot.

MY first introduction to tarot cards was in my elementary school years. I was a weird, weird kid and I already dabbled into that mystic / paranormal / divination section at my local library.. So, I guess I learned about tarot from one of those books I read.

In my current life state right noww.....I want to practice more tarot card readings so I'll get better with them.

So here is my finance tarot spread that I did today.

I used this spread from

So summary of spread is ; Good girl get a grip and things will be successful for you. It is mostly positive, rational and very logical set of tarot cards. Page of Pentacles really describes my current situation well. Everything is ok, but you're kind of naive.. Haha.

Oh and by the way, yes I use Rider-Waite deck. I just feel like it's the most simple one to "read" the cards. I don't know, maybe I'm not enough experimental.

I usually take out my deck when I feel unsure and troubled about my future. I only shuffle the cards when I feel like I'm upset about something. And usually thats how it should be. You can only use them for specific problems. Especially spreads. I do think that drawing out "card of the day" is ok, but in the end tarot is in my opinion meant to help you organize in your mind what is already in there.

Not that I don't believe in the supernatural side of the cards. I have to start doing these readings weekly to get better with it. I don't think I can do daily card draw because I don't feel like I need it. And one should never use divination tools if they don't feel like they have a need for it. It not about that something negative would come out of it, but more like the *answers* you might get will not make any sense at all. The cards will seem and *are* random.

So to wrap it up,

I wanted to write this post not as an expert on tarot, but as someone who has a long history with them. (More or less active.. ) And show how my journey with them progresses.

Monday, 4 February 2019

A Day in the Life

I feel incredibly blessed that I live in this kind of environment. It has it's pros and cons, but overall there is still unspoken calmness into it that really captivates and inspires me.

The dogs were playing on top of a frozen lake. The trees you see in the background - it's actually an island.

Hope you all have a great week ahead of you. Everything has a positive and negative, and before you can grasp them both we usually forget and move on. Stay in the moment.

(The dogs are not mine :D )
My camera is canon 5D mkII.

Sunday, 3 February 2019

"Call Me By Your Name" Movie..Sequel(?) Thoughts *SPOILERS*


I am late on this. But I had to write a short review after I FINALLY got to watch this movie. First of all- I heard about this movie because it was shocking people around the world due to it's explicit sexual scenes.. So, haha, I was naturally curious. My thoughts were: Is it really gonna be *that* shocking? I like shocking ..AND I usually prefer movies that have this kind of feedback, because usually it tells more about our society than about the movie itself..

This is a beautiful movie. It is set in atmospheric 1987 summer in Italy. We get to experience the perfect summer where the characters can bicycle anywhere, read a book under a tree, swim wherever.. Eat fresh fruits from your own backyard. It is perfect.

In Finland this movie was recently screened for high school kids and.. well. Apparently the sexual scenes were too much and the conservative party was upset. I wonder if the shock value would have been this high if the story would be about heterosexual couple..

Nevertheless. If you're reading and you haven't seen the movie.. Here's the quick summary: Elio (Timotheé Chalamet) is a 17 years old teenage boy (in movie 20) and Oliver (Armie Hammer) is a university student who comes to work for Elio's archeologist father over summer. We get to see how their affection develops, until finally it becomes a full blown romance. The kind of first love that you've always wanted.

Now, the sex. No - there is no graphic sexual scenes between the two men (of course we see a naked woman). Both actors had signed no nudity in their contracts, so I guarantee you will not see anything.. It is an erotic movie, but eroticism comes from lots of other things than sex. It is the chemistry and kissing, it is the anger and the fear between the two. I'm sure that most popular movies are way more pornographic than Call Me By Your Name.

Now.. I heard that there is going to be a sequel. Man, I don't stan sequels (most of the time) and I definitely avoid watching them... So when I read about this I wasn't thrilled.

As someone who hasn't read the book I had to go and check if the book has more material for another movie. Technically it does.. But, the resolution will be the same. The two men do not have each other in the book not even after 20 years.  The way the first movie ends already implies that, so we don't need anyone to highlight this fact by making a sequel.

I'm still intrigued.. Only because it seems that the cast and the director will be the same. What worries me that the screenwriter didn't seem enthusiastic about writing the sequel. So.. That's worrisome. But I guess I'll watch it eventually when it comes out!! XOXO